League Schedule
Monday Ladies League – Shotgun on nine holes at 9:00am, the opposite nine holes from which they are playing will be available until approximately 11:30am when the entire course will be open.
Tuesday Men’s League – Shotgun on nine holes at 5:00pm, the opposite nine holes from which they are playing will be available until approximately 7:30pm. There are limited golf carts available on Tuesday Afternoons beginning at 3:00pm because of league play!!
Wednesday Couples League – Shotgun on nine holes at 5:00pm, the opposite nine holes from which they are playing will be available until approximately 7:30pm. There are limited golf carts available on Wednesday Afternoons beginning at 3:00pm because of league play!!
Thursday Senior Men’s League – Shotgun on nine holes at 9:00am, the opposite nine holes from which they are playing will be available until approximately 11:30am when the entire course will be open.